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Articles & Books

Michael Pasterski - IFS videos

Our Minds Are Multiple

A video by Michael Pasterski explaining parts and the multiplicity of the mind

Tori Olds - IFS videos

What is IFS?

Dr. Tori Olds has some wonderful YouTube videos about therapy in general, but also specifically about IFS. Check out this video and her channel for more great content!

Bruce Hersey - IFS videos

Finding Your Parts

Bruce Hersey also has a short video called "What is IFS?" that is a super quick intro

Derek Scott - IFS videos

IFS Intro

A lecture-style intro to the model from the late Derek Scott, whose organization (IFS Canada) offers training & resources

Dick Schwartz - IFS videos


In exchange for your email, get access to a video with Dick and IFS lead trainer, Pam Krause, where they explained the model and offer a demo


Inside Out

You'll have to stream this movie to watch it, but it's a wonderful representation for how our inner worlds work, minus Self energy.

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